


2016-04-05 作者: [db:来源] 

在学校创新创业教育教学改革精神的指导下,为进一步提高全校师生文化交流意识,开阔国际化视野,同时作为英语系“下一站·世界”国际文化节活动的延伸,英语系将面向全校开展“东西方文化漫谈”系列主题讲座之超越文化维度理论外国人眼中的文化差异本次讲座由赴美访学的王姗姗和来自加拿大的外教联合主讲,将以崭新的对比视角探索中美高校生活中的文化冲突与价值差异,旨在拓展师生国际化视野、提高全球语境下的跨文化交流能力。本次讲座的具体安排如下:“-”Marlin Belt

讲座主题:Cultures in Foreigners’Eyes—The True Stories that Cultural Dimension Theory Wouldn’t Tell You 

主讲人:、王姗姗Marlin Belt





The Department of English is glad to bring you a series of lectures on “Discovery-Enriched: Experience Cross-Cultural ”. The cross-cultural lectures aim to raise awareness of the connection between culture and innovation. The lectures will focus on cross-cultural innovation and creativity in the East and in the West. With strong sense of cultural collision, Shanshan Wang (visiting scholar at GFU, USA) and Marlin Belt (from Canada) will discuss how they feel and deal with the cultural difference in college life as foreigners, at 6PM on April 6th(Wednesday), 2016. Welcome to join this stimulating gathering filled with delight and insight! We look forward to greeting you at this event!Innovation and Creativity

Theme: Cultures in Foreigners’ Eyes—The True Stories that Cultural Dimension Theory Wouldn’t Tell You

Date: April 6th (Wednesday), 2016.

Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm

Venue: A3-317 

Language: English

Enquiries: 84835247